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Accredited training partners

Home » Accredited training partners

Accredited training partners


ATP Guide

We highly appreciate your interest in becoming one of CGIA’s global Accredited Training Partners. This guide is prepared to provide you with all the information you need to know about the process and the approval criteria.


The process to become an Accredited Training Partner of the Chartered Global Investment Analyst is a key feature of quality assurance arrangements. The purpose of this process is to invite and allow potential partners to demonstrate their capacity and willingness to comply with the requirements of the CGIA.

In the event of any enquiry, partners are encouraged to discuss any issues with the partnerships team at CGIA or send an email to atp@cgiaintitute.org.

Mandatory requirements:

  • All tutors must sit at least one exam for the subjects for which they intend to become accredited. This should happen within six months of accreditation
  • At least one member of the partner’s permanent staff must become a member (either Member, Chartered, or Candidate) of the CGIA Charter Program within one year of the partner’s application.
  • If the partner is relying primarily on ‘distance’ or self–managed learning methods supplemented by workshops, distance learning material must be submitted for review to ensure appropriate coverage of the syllabus.

Application forms

The completed application forms and supporting documents will enable us to   make a preliminary decision as to whether:

  • Tutoring and learning resources are appropriate;
  • There is support at senior level in the potential Accredited Training Partner;
  • There are clear policies and procedures that apply across the organisation.

Subject to the outcome of the preliminary review, the CGIA may carry out an approval visit (see below for further details).

The final outcome


  • This will be for up to 12 months initially, depending on the date of approval
  • All Accredited Training Partners will be required to undergo an annual re-assessment, which will take place in December of each year;
  • Approval as an Accredited Training Partner will be renewed annually, following successful completion of the re-assessment exercise.


  • In the case of an application being rejected, CGIA will provide detailed reasons
  • If the applicant wishes the CGIA to reconsider its decision, it must provide additional evidence that did not form part of the original application;
  • If the decision to reject the application is upheld there will be no right of appeal.

The accreditation process is strictly confidential. Documents will be held securely within the CGIA.

Successful completion of the accreditation process entitles the partner to formal accreditation based on the following conditions being satisfied:

  • The partner completes the annual re-assessment successfully;
  • candidate attainment and feedback continues to be satisfactory overall;
  • Tutors attending and sitting CGIA examinations comply with examination regulations;
  • The partner works co-operatively with the CGIA in the resolution of any problems and complaints;
  • The partner maintains satisfactory records.

Approval visit

The CGIA reserves the right to conduct an approval visit as part of the application process. The CGIA will decide the appropriate accreditation outcome within two weeks of the approval visit.

If your application to become an Accredited Training Partner is successful, the following fee will be payable at the time of acceptance.


Sub-Saharan Africa US$750
Asia US$950
EMEA US$1400
USA and North America US$1600

If an approval visit is required, it will be carried out by an employee, or representative, of the CGIA.

The agenda for the visit will be discussed with the applicant in advance but will focus on the quality of learning and training, the facilities available for candidates, including learning resource and support, the commitment of the partner to the core values of the CGIA for professionalism and integrity.

Click here to apply now