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CGIA Curriculum

Home » CGIA Curriculum

CGIA Curriculum


The CGIA professional examination at all levels is held in January, April, July and October of every year.

Level I Jan., April, July & Oct.
Level II Jan., April, July & Oct.
Level III Jan., April, July & Oct.

The CGIA Charter Program includes a series of exams covering three (3) levels. Candidates must pass all levels and satisfy all obligations before the CGIA designation is awarded.

All Levels (I, II, III)

– Are offered four times every year — at exam centres near you (specify during registration)— in January, April, July & October.

– All exams for all levels are now offered via the CCBE, that’s the CGIA Computer-Based Exam beginning January 2021.
– Must be registered and passed sequentially. That’s a candidate can move to the next level only after passing the preceding level.
– Are available and written in English only. Check our English Language Requirements below.

Kindly note that only candidates who have satisfied all their obligations as registered members, (thus, paid their annual subscription and paid for all exam fees, exemptions applicable to date) are eligible to sit for the exam.

List of courses

A1  Investment I

A2  Corporate Finance I

A3   Financial Risk Management

A4  Alternative Investment

A5  Investment II

A6  Corporate Finance II

A7  Financial Reporting & Analysis I

A8  Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management I

A9  Derivatives Analysis I

A10 Investment Ethics I

A11  Financial Reporting & Analysis II

A12  Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management II

A13  Derivatives Analysis II

A14  Investment Ethics II

Program Courseware

Upon a successful exam registration, candidates will now be able to access the program curriculum which includes series of papers, articles and external videos. Also, candidates will be directed to purchase recommended texts for each paper.

English language requirements

CGIA exam are written only in English and hence require a good standard of English, as well as knowledge of the technical terms associated with the subject matter.

All questions are designed to test specific knowledge and understanding and candidates need to absorb information quickly and to read questions very closely.