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Exemptions guide

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Exemptions guide


Exemptions Guide

The CGIA Institute offers candidates two gateways in terms of exemptions. A candidate is offered either regular exemptions or Special Exemptions

An exemption is awarded when a candidate is deemed to have studied the CGIA® curriculum in a previous qualification or studies which has been assessed using a technique and an academic standard comparable with those applied to the CGIA® curriculum.

Exemptions allow you to start the CGIA Charter Program at a level that is consistent with the knowledge and skills you gained from previous learning and qualification.

List of courses

A1  Investment I

A2  Corporate Finance I

A3  Financial Risk Management

A4  Alternative Investment

A5  Investment II

A6  Corporate Finance II

A7  Financial Reporting & Analysis I

A8  Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management I

A9  Derivatives Analysis I

A10 Investment Ethics I

A11  Financial Reporting & Analysis II

A12  Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management II

A13  Derivatives Analysis II

A14  Investment Ethics II

Specimen Table

  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • HND
  • Bachelor of Education
  • Diploma

In Commerce, Accounting, Management, Banking and Finance, Business Administration from recognized and accredited university.

Exemptions for Level I
CFA, ACCA, CISI, AICPA, CIMA, Locally recognized Professional bodies; full or partial qualification Subject for subject exemptions up to Level II where applicable.
PhD, MPhil, MBA, MA and M.Sc

In Commerce, Accounting, Management, Banking and Finance, from recognized and accredited university.

Exemptions for Level I and II plus Level III if applied through the SE Gateway.
Others acceptable qualifications: Subject for subject exemptions up to Level II, where applicable