Home » Leadership Backup

Leadership Backup

Home » Leadership Backup

Leadership Backup



CGIA Global Council is the governing body of the Institute. These are astute individuals with impressive portfolio of experience which demonstrates that they have the skills and experience to influence and shape the future of the finance and investment profession.

The Council is ultimately responsible for building and safeguarding CGIA’s reputation, image and brand. The council ensures that these are protected and improved for the benefit of existing and future members, partners and all other stakeholders.

Each member can serve a maximum of two terms, with each term having a tenure of three years. That is a maximum of six years.

Sandeep Kumar, FCGIA®

India, Chairperson

Sopio Baiadze


Jameel Alsaati,  FCGIA®


Peter E. Welch,  FCGIA®


André Pieterse,  FCGIA®

South Africa

James Fried, FCGIA®


Denise Colletti,

New York, USA

Garth Carstens

South Africa

John Stoltz, FCGIA®

South Africa