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CGIA Institute’s President to visit Ghana

Home » News & insights » CGIA Institute’s President to visit Ghana

CGIA Institute’s President to visit Ghana

by Marcelle Djaha

The President of the CGIA Institute, Peter Edward Welch, FCGIA, is scheduled to begin his 15 African member countries tour from Ghana. The President is scheduled to be in Ghana on Monday, March 4, 2019.

The CGIA Institute is a globally recognized professional body of finance and investment professionals setting global standards for ethical investment practices for the finance and investment management industry.

The Institute provides the Chartered Global Investment Analyst (CGIA®) designation program and the CGIA Foundational Program (CFP®) Certificate. The CGIA Institute is headquartered in New York, USA.

According to Peter E. Welch, FCGIA, “I am excited to finally travel and experience for myself first hand, all the beautiful and wonderful things happening across the African continent. As an Institute, which has our core mandate focused on developing world-class professionals in the finance and investment management industry, with the highest ethical standards, it gives me the greatest joy to announce that we are focusing on Africa over the next two to three years”

He continued “I am particularly happy to begin my visit from Ghana. The country’s financial services sector has witnessed some huge reforms over the last few months and it’s really important that the CGIA Institute steps up to provide the right professionals to lead the industry.”

In a statement released by the CGIA Institute from its headquarters in New York, USA, “the CGIA program has been widely spread quickly across multiple countries in Africa. We are excited about how regulators; industry players and students alike are embracing the CGIA program as a means to gaining ethical knowledge in the finance and investment management industry.

The President will be visiting over fifteen countries across Africa within the next twelve months. In his first visit to Ghana, he is expected to engage the already growing number of CGIA candidates and members through a series of meetings and to officially launch the CGIA Network Ghana.

He also scheduled to have a series of meetings with regulatory bodies and recognized associations within the finance and investment management industry.

Source: CGIA Institute

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